Stone, great trees

  • "Odziņu" Cup-Marked Stone

    Ancient cult stone dating back to the Bronze Age, the Odziņu boulder 2000-3000 years ago was used as a shrine. During the cultivation of agricultural land the stone was... Read More
  • Abava Devil's Stone

    The stone is not too big (length 5.3 m, width 4.3 m, height 2.1 m, circumference 15 m), but since the early 20th century it has been a popular tourist destination. There... Read More
  • Abavmuižas Cross stone

    Description: Legend tells: earlier in the cemetery there was heard the cry of a child. Local people called for a priest to come. Priest ordered to bring a stone to the... Read More
  • Ančiņi Devil's Stone

    Ančiņi Devil’s Stone lies on the road side and is a chapped quadrangle hornblende greiss with steep sides and biotite granite lead. Ančiņi Devil’s Stone has other... Read More
  • Auzulu small-leaved lime tree

    Before a great storm in 2005, this was one of the tallest and most noble lime trees in Latvia. Now only one branch is still alive.... Read More
  • Āži Steep Stone

    The Steep Stone (Stāvakmens), as it was called at the end of the 20th century, has been located in this place for many thousand years. The ascent of the stone is... Read More
  • Banuzi Devil's Stone

    The observation point is situated at the north eastern side of the Bānūžu lake. It is situated at a small cape. The place rises by several meters above the lake. The... Read More
  • Basi Werewolf Stone

    It used to be a very large great stone, which in total could be so large as to be ranged in the list of first ten greatest stones of Latvia. From the former huge stone... Read More
  • Bērzmuiža Yellow-pine

    These Yellow Pines were planted around 1906, located in "Bērzmuiža", near the Sloka-Talsi highway, Engure Parish, Engure District. These are the largest and... Read More
  • Boulder Velna Skoroderis ("Devil’s Tailor")

    Velna Skoroderis ("Devil’s Tailor") is the second biggest stone found in Latvia. Its length is 6,4m, width – 6.0 m, height – 4, 2 m, girth – 20.0 m,... Read More
  • Daviņi Large Stone

    The rock is 4 metres long, 2,8 metres wide and 1,4 metres high. Researchers do not agree with a meaning of carvings in a rock, most often they are related with decedent... Read More
  • Dreimaņi devil's oak

    The only Devil’s Oak in Vidzeme where until as late as 1950 the custom of catering spirits was preserved. The circumference of its trunk is 5.45 m, height 21 m,... Read More
  • Dūmele secular stone

    A Dūmele secular stone located not far from "Ziedkalni" holiday house and Ragavsvalks. The stone is 2 m high, 6.6 m long and 3.7 m wide.... Read More
  • Dzelzāmurs Holy Stone

    On the information post, there is information that the Stone is 3.4 m long, 2.1 m wide, 2.75 m high and its circumference is 9.2 m.... Read More
  • Ezerskola Sacrificial Stone

    Cultural and historical stone. Possibly a mythological stone. Dimensions: length 3.0 m, width 2.4 m, height 0.9 m, circumference 8.6 m, volume 3 cubic meters. The stone... Read More
  • Giant Sea Boulder of Roja

    The circumference of the stone is 12.5 m, height about 2 m.... Read More
  • Grizi Devil's Bench

    Location: Ventspils district, Targale municipality. Forest south from Grizukrogs, on the firebreak; Description: Length 6,3 m, width 4,6 m, height 3,0 m, circumference... Read More
  • Ivande fir

    Largest silver fir (Abies alba) in Latvia. The top of this enormous tree rises high above the other trees in this park and is seen from Kuldiga – Alsunga road.... Read More
  • Īvāni Devil's Stone

    Īvāni Devil's Stone is located in Madona district, Sarkaņi parish, near Patkule village, about 200 m from the highway. The stone is 2.4 m high, its circumference... Read More
  • Jusuleja secular stone

    The Jusuleja secular stone is located in Dundaga parish, Slītere national park. In national defense since 1957. One of the largest stones in Latvia, circumference - 18... Read More
  • Kaive Oak

    The Ancestor Oak-tree in Kaive is the biggest oak tree in the Baltics (circumference – 10 m). Today, its magnitude is not as impressive anymore, because in the 20-ties... Read More
  • Kaķi Cup-Marked Stone

    Between the stone and the Kaķi homestead, there is a valley overgrown by trees. The stone is located on the right bank of the Aģe River, at the verge of the river’s... Read More
  • Kalnaābranti Werewolf Pine

    In the earlier descriptions of the Werewolf pine it is said that the pine was very picturesque and can be noticed from a bigger distance. Now it could be found that the... Read More
  • Kapsēde Grand Boulder

    This is the highest boulder in Latvia – 4.3 meters high. Its circumference is 16.5 meters and it weights 160 tons. The Grand Boulder is referred as a Protected Natural... Read More
  • Kapsēde Stone - Cup Mark Stone

    Dimensions: 3.9 m long, 2.8 m wide, up to 2 m high, circumference of 11.50 m, and the volume of 11 cubic meters.... Read More
  • Kraujas (Tilgaļi) boulder

    The fourth largest stone in Latvia and the greatest one in Kurzeme. The size of the stone: length of 7.0 m, width of 6.9 m, height of 3.4 m, circumference of 26 m, volume... Read More
  • Large Bauņi Greiži Stone

    An impressive and easily visible stone from the road. Length 5.3 m, width 5.1 m, height almost 1.2 m, circumference almost 16 m. A monument of parish significance.... Read More
  • Largest Wild Pear in Latvia

    Location: Tukums district, Kandava, at the side of Sabile Street. Girth: 2,95 m Height: 12,5 m Projection of the crown: 40 m2 Length of branches: up to 5,7 m... Read More
  • Lauču (Lauchu) stones

    The large Lauču (Lauchi) stone is a typical rapakivi granite boulder made up of granite viborgite, characterised by large semicircular pink callium quartz crystals,... Read More
  • Lielais (big) stone

    The Big (Devil’s) Stone lies on the right bank of the Gauja River at the very beach near the mouth of a brook crossed by a small bridge. The height of the stone is from... Read More
  • Linde Forest Boulder

    Linde stone in Zante, in the forest. With the volume of 706.29 cubic feet, it is the 44th largest boulder in Latvia.... Read More
  • Mazirbe plague stones

    The signs engraved in Mazirbe plague stones have attracted the interest of historians as early as at the end of the 19th century, at this time the research was started by... Read More
  • Meldzere hollow stone

    Cup stones are not rare on the Eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. They all have approximately the same dimensions. They are considered precious enough testimonies of the... Read More
  • Mēri Oak

    Oak with the largest crown in Latvia. Girth of the trunk is 5,4 metres, crown is 34 metres wide and it is shading an area which corresponds to area of two basketball... Read More
  • Miķeļakmens or Michael`s rock

    Michael`s rock is situated between Tukums and Milzkalns Mound. In 2003 on Michal`s Day, 167 people stood on this boulder at one time.... Read More
  • Oak near Garoza School

    Garoza Holy Oak is located near Garoz Elementary School: Garoza, Salgale parish, Ozolnieki Municipality. Oak circumference – 6.7 m.... Read More
  • Pavilosta Great Stone (Sea Stone)

    Pāvilosta Great Boulder or Sea Boulder is washed by the waves in the sea about 50 m from the coast. Its height above the ground level is 3,5 m, perimeter – 15 m.... Read More
  • Poprags Multiple Trunk Linden

    A very interesting, peculiar multi-trunk tree. Probably a tree with the largest number of trunks in Latvia. It is very often mentioned that the total number of the trunks... Read More
  • Raven Stone

    The stone has got a carved V-shaped gutter and a hole. Several stories tell the stone hides treasures under it- a money chest dug underground during Swedish war.... Read More
  • Rīgzemju secular oak-tree

    The second biggest secular oak-tree in the Baltics. Its perimeter at the chest height is 9.2 m. The tree has a huge stem of routes rising at the height of almost 2 m, the... Read More
  • Rogali boulder

    In 1920ies there have been split off several large pieces. One 4 m long piece still is near the boulder. Glacier has brought this boulder from Karelian Ishtmus - this is... Read More
  • Sasmakas (Valdemārpils) Idol Lime-Tree

    The Sasmaka (Valdemārpils) Idol Lime-Tree cult site - lies at the northern limit of the town of Valdemārpils, about 20 m from the former Sasmaka Manor-House. The lime... Read More
  • Secular stone "Vadakstes valdnieks"

    The secular stone "Vadakstes valdnieks" ("Lord of Vadakste") is located in the park of Ezere manor. Its height is 4.2 m. The name and annual numbers... Read More
  • Secular Stone of Ķīvmežs

    Secular Stone’s of Ķīvmežs above the ground surface is 44 cubic meters and it is the biggest stone known in Ventspils area. Height of the stone is 2.8m, length is... Read More
  • Secular Stone of Vecumi

    Secular Stone of Vecumi is round shaped, somewhat grey, somewhat red, monolithic stone. It is 43 cubic meters big, height is 2.8m, length is 6.7m, width is 4.2m, and its... Read More
  • Sēja oak

    Age of oak - approximately 450 years. It is possible that tree has been planted in 1567. Then the manor was obtained by Juhan Zeige - Johan Seyge or Zöge (his family... Read More
  • Silkalēji Swede stone

    The giant stone measures 3.7 meters in length, 3.7 meters in width, and 1.6 meters in height. It has an irregular, rounded shape, with one side distinctly slanting... Read More
  • Slepkavkalva stone

    The height of the stone is 0.8 m, length and width 4.5 m, and circumference - 16 m.... Read More
  • Spuņņu Rock

    One of the boulders of Latvia. It is located in the Viesata River. Travellers can visit it by hiking along the nature trail “River bends of Viesata”. It is a granite... Read More
  • Stone Devil’s Foot in Māteri

    The stone’s dimensions are 4.6 meters (length), 4.2m (width), 2.0m (height), circuit is 16.6, 19 cubic meters big. There are a lot natural dents and bulges on its... Read More
  • Stone Velna pēda (Devil’s Foot) in Puze

    The stone is among 30 biggest secular stones in Latvia. The stone is 40 cubic meters big, its circuit is 17.3m and height 3.3m. Unfortunately, the stone is one of the... Read More
  • Stone “Lāčplēša gulta” (Lāčplesis’ bed)

    The impressive irregular shaped rock weighs 80 tons. Next to it we see the so-called “Lāčplēša sega” (Lāčplēsis’ blanket), a 22 ton piece split off the main... Read More
  • The Devil’s Stone of Odre

    The Devil’s Stone of Odre is one of the most popular foot imprinted stones in Latvia. It (length-2m, width-1,5m, height-1m) has got a smooth and sloping surface and... Read More
  • The Great Kameņeca Stone

    The Great Stone of Kameņeca is a large stone located in Aglona parish, Preiļi region, in the village of Jaunaglona, in the former park of Kameņeca manor. Stone... Read More
  • Twin pine-trees in Ape

    Twin pine-trees in Ape town coordinates ( : 57.540682, 26.705990... Read More
  • Užava Idols' Linden

    The circumference of the linden in autumn 2011 was 2.96 m. The linden is not a secular tree, it is important only as an ancient site. An archaeological monument under the... Read More
  • Vaiķi boulder

    Location: Krustpils municipality, Vīpe parish, at the side of Riga – Daugavpils highway, near Josti; Description: Length – 6,7 m, width – 5,9 m, height – 2,3 m,... Read More
  • Vālēni oaks

    The thickest oak is one of the most outstanding trees in Madona Region – circumference of 7,52m (measurement in June 2016 ). Another oak grows up instead of the other... Read More
  • Vecvisminu cup-marked stone

    The dimensions of a cup-marked ston: length 3.7 m, width 2.2 m,height 1.1 m, circumference 9.80 m, volume above the ground around 3 m3. Red granite with large crystals.... Read More
  • Ventkalni Cup-Marked Stone

    The most recently discovered cup-marked stone in this area. It is surprising that it was not located in dense and untouched by civilization woods, but rather in an open... Read More
  • Viļķene Hollow Stone

    he Viļķene Hollow Stone was examined in 1994. Its closest landmark is the old orthodox cemetery of Viļķene. Viļķene itself is located several kilometres further. At... Read More
  • Vilzeni larch

    Location: Aloja district, Braslava municipality, Vilzeni manor park. Girth: 4,60 m Height: 33,0 m Projection of the crown: 200 m² Length of branches: up to 9,5 m ... Read More
  • Zageri Devil's boulder

    Description: Length – 5,0 m, width – 3,0 m, height – 3,0 m, circumference – 14,8 m, volume – 30 m³. The surface might be shaped artificially. There is cross... Read More
  • Zaube oak

    It grows in Zaube near Lake Leja, trunk circumference – 8.10 m, crown height – 16.7, crown projection – 70 m2, branch length – up to 10.5 m.... Read More
  • Zeltapse (Upsīši) secular stone

    The secular stone is located at a distance of 1.6 km from the slope of the Šlītere Zilie kalni [Blue Hills] and 500 m from Upīši farmstead in a birch forest. Its... Read More
  • Zemīte Idol’s Linden

    According to local people, the linden with multi-forked branches, which is located at the Zemīte rectory estate, used to be the Idols` Linden, but the oak growing on the... Read More