Kubesele nature trail
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Kubesele nature trail

Kubesele nature trail

Kubesele nature trail starts at Krimulda Church.

The trail reveals significant cultural and historical monuments, Kubesele cave; it leads to the right bank of river Gauja, presenting the Big (Runtiņa) stone. Next to it is a powerful spring flowing out of the earth.




The Krimulda Lutheran church is seen as one of the oldest in Latvia. It was built in the early 13th century, soon after the territory of Kubasele was conquered. Over the subsequent centuries, it has been rebuilt many times. Alongside the church is a meditation maze called "Lily Blossom." When the Liv warrior Kaupo fell in battle near Vīlande in 1217, his remains were supposedly interred at the church. Local residents, true, describe a small hillock that is near the church as the grave of Kaupo. The site is located alongside the little Runtiņupīte (Runtiņš) river, on the right bank of which is a manmade cave that is approximately seven metres deep. It is the Kubesele Cave or the Runtiņala Cave. The Kubesele castle hill is on the left bank of the Runtiņupīte. The Kubesele Nature Trail starts at the church. If you hike down the trail, you'll see all of the aforementioned objects and others. The trail leads to the Gauja River where, on the right bank, is the Great (Runtiņš) Rock. Nearby you'll find anchor blocks installed by rafters on the river.